Komputer Tertua Di Dunia Kembali Bekerja

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Kita mengira komputer kita adalah dinosaurus, atau yang paling tua? Ternyata salah. Baru-baru ini, komputer tertua di dunia kembali bekerja dari penyimpanan di National Museum of Computing di Bletchley Park.

The Harwell Komputer, juga dikenal sebagai penyihir (Wolverhampton Instrumen untuk Pengajaran Komputasi dari Harwell) adalah sebuah relay berbasis komputer yang fungsional pertama kali pada tahun 1951.

Dari 1952-1957 itu digunakan di Atomic Energy Research Establishment di Oxfordshire. Komputer ini bekerja sampai tahun 1973, sebagai alat pendidikan di Staffordshire Technical College. Setelah itu, disumbangkan ke Museum Sains dan Industri di Birmingham, di mana sejak saat itu telah menempati gudang selama hampir 30 tahun.

Mesin raksasa itu sekarang diseret keluar dari kemasannya untuk sekali lagi akan ditampilkan dan dikagumi di National Museum of Computing. Ini adalah bagian dari proyek Conservation Society Computer, dan sedang dengan hati-hati disusun ulang dari foto-foto lama. Meskipun diagram sirkuit asli yang tersedia untuk membantu pemulihan tidak ada lagi namun banyak hal lain yang bisa menggantikannya. Foto-foto yang telah terbukti sangat berguna dalam menempatkan kembali mesin dengan benar.

The Harwell Komputer adalah suatu bagian dari sejarah karena merupakan yang tertua yang masih bekerja secara elektronik dengan data dan program disimpan. Ini membantu untuk merancang reaktor nuklir pertama di Britania pada tahun 1950. Restorasi akan dilakukan selama beberapa bulan sebelum si penyihir ini akan ditampilkan di sebelah komputer bersejarah lain: Colossus Mark II.


Mitos Seks Para Remaja

Remaja bicara seks? Ini bukan sesuatu yang baru lagi. Tetapi sumber informasi seks yang benar memang masih belum banyak diketahui, atau kalaupun ada, remaja masih kesulitan untuk mengaksesnya. Sehingga yang banyak beredar adalah informasi-informasi yang tidak tepat tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan seksualitas remaja.

Banyak sekali mitos-mitos yang masih dipercaya, yang bisa jadi membawa remaja makin jauh dari jangkauan informasi yang benar tentang seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi, termasuk aktivitas seksual yang sudah dijalani oleh sebagian remaja. Bisik-bisik diantara remaja soal lutut yang kopong dan cara jalan yang bisa menggambarkan status keperawanan, sudah sering kita dengar. Semua itu kok bisa ya dipercaya oleh remaja kita?

Berikut ini adalah sebagian mitos-mitos seksualitas yang banyak beredar di sekitar remaja kita hasil dari inventarisasi lembaga KISARA (Kita Sayang Remaja) dan mungkin juga menjadi pendapat kita selama ini:

1.Berhubungan seks dengan pacar merupakan bukti cinta.
Faktanya, berhubungan seks bukan cara untuk menunjukan kasih sayang pada saat masih pacaran, melainkan karena disebabkan adanya dorongan seksual yang tidak terkontrol dan keinginan untuk mencoba-coba. Rasa sayang kita dengan pacar bisa ditunjukkan dengan cara lain.

2.Hubungan seks pertama kali selalu ditandai dengan keluarnya darah dari vagina.
Faktanya, tidak selalu hubungan seks yang pertama kali itu keliahatan berdarah. Apabila komunikasi seksual terjalin dengan baik dan hubungan seksual dilakukan dalam keadaan siap dan disertai foreplay yang cukup bisa tidak memunculkan adanya perdarahan.

3.Loncat-loncat setelah berhubungan seks tidak akan menyebabkan kehamilan.
Faktanya, ketika spermatozoa sudah memasuki vagina, maka spermatozoa akan mencari sel telur yang telah matang untuk dibuahi. Loncat-loncat tidak akan mengeluarkan spermatozoa. Jadi, tetap ada kemungkinan untuk terjadinya pembuahan atau kehamilan.

4.Selaput dara yang robek berarti sudah pernah melakukan hubungan seksual atau tidak perawan lagi.
Faktanya tidak selalu demikian. Selaput dara merupakan selaput kulit yang tipis yang dapat meregang dan robek karena beberapa hal. Selain karena melakukan hubungan seks, selaput dara juga bisa robek karena melakukan olah raga tertentu seperti naik sepeda dan berkuda. Karena itu, robeknya selaput dara belum tentu karena hubungan seks, malah ada juga perempuan yang sudah menikah dan berhubungan seks berkali-kali tapi selaput daranya masih utuh dan tidak koyak karena selaput daranya elastis.

5.Dorongan seksual laki-laki lebih besar daripada perempuan.
Faktanya, dorongan seksual merupakan hal yang alamiah muncul pada setiap individu pada umumnya dimulai saat ia menginjak masa pubertas (karena mulai berfungsinya hormon seksual). Dan ini sangat wajar dan seimbang baik pada laki-laki maupun perempuan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi dorongan seksual antara lain kepribadian, pola sosialisasi, dan pengalaman seksual. Dorongan seksual perempuan sering disebut-sebut lebih kecil dari laki-laki kerena lingkungan menganggap perempuan yang mengekspresikan dorongan seksualnya adalah perempuan yang “nakal atau kurang baik” , sementara laki-laki tidak pernah dipermasalahkan.

6.Perempuan yang berdada besar dorongan seksualnya besar.
Faktanya tidak seperti itu. Secara medis, tidak ada hubungan langsung antara ukuran payudara dengan dorongan seksual seseorang. Dorongan seksual itu ditentukan oleh kepribadian, pola sosialisasi, dan pengalaman seksual (melihat, mendengar, atau merasakan suatu rangsangan seksual).

7.Sering masturbasi bisa membuat mandul.
Faktanya, secara medis masturbasi tidak menggangu kesehatan fisik selama dilakukan secara aman (tidak sampai menimbulkan luka atau lecet). Resiko fisik biasanya berupa kelelahan. Pengaruh masturbasi biasanya bersifat psikologis, seperti perasaan bersalah, berdosa dan kadarnya berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang. Kemandulan justru biasanya akibat dari IMS (infeksi menular seksual) atau penyakit lainnya seperti kanker atau karena sebab fisik lainnya misalnya kualitas sperma yang kurang baik.

8.Minuman bersoda akan dapat mempercepat selesainya menstruasi.
Faktanya, menstruasi adalah proses pendarahan yang disebabkan luruhnya dinding rahim sebagai akibat tidak adanya pembuahan. Sakit tidaknya atau lancar tidaknya menstruasi seseorang selain dipengaruhi oleh hormon juga dipengaruhi faktor psikis, bukan karena minum minuman bersoda.

Mitos-mitos tersebut ternyata memang sudah hidup subur di masyarakat. Pengaruh mitos-mitos tersebut masih sangat kuat, bahkan juga di antara para remaja yang justru lagi giat-giatnya mencari informasi tentang seks dan kesehatan reproduksi. Banyak yang mempercayainya sehingga tidak jarang kita temui kasus-kasus yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan reproduksi bermula dari keyakinan dari mitos-mitos tersebut. Hal itu terjadi karena tidak lengkapnya informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi yang bisa diakses oleh remaja, baik melalui lembaga formal seperti sekolah, keluarga atau masyarakat pada umumnya.

Sekarang tergantung kepada diri remajanya masing-masing, karena mereka yang akan menjalaninya nanti. Apakah akan menelan mentah-mentah mitos tersebut ataukah akan mencermatinya lebih lanjut guna memastikan kebenarannya. Kalau kita masih terpengaruhi dengan mitos-mitos diatas, yang rugi ya diri kita sendiri. Dan bagi yang sudah mengetahui fakta yang sebenarnya, silakanlah tetap yakin dengan kebenarannya, jangan goyah. Bahkan cobalah ikut serta untuk menginformasikan fakta-fakta ini ke rekan-rekan remaja yang lainnya sehingga semakin banyak remaja yang mengerti dan makin bertanggung jawab dengan segala perilaku dan pilihannya.


Trik Memproteksi Blog dari Penjiplakan

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Mungkin bagi sebagian para pemilik blog sering kali jengkel jika melihat artikel-artikel yang dibuatnya dengan memeras otak (emangnya cucian) tiba-tiba sudah ada di tempat blog milik orang lain, apalagi kalo disitu tidak disebutkan sumber asli dari artikel tersebut, pasti orang tersebut akan bilang "ANJRIT" :@ dan sumpah serapah yang lain (apa aja ya kata sumpah serapah?, aku taunya cuma itu doang, aku kan selalu ngomong yg baik2 jadi nggak tahu kata-kata kotor :D hooooeeeekkkkk..). Tapi mungkin bagi sebagian orang lagi sih nggak mempermasalahkannya, entah artikelnya diambil kek, di copy kek, di cekek kek "No Problem". Nha, kamu termasuk golongan yang mana nih? yang Protectif atau yang Cuekif (bahasa mana tuh "Cuekif"). Kalo kamu termasuk yang yang Protectif alias golongan orang yang artikelnya nggak mau dicuri orang, sini ikut saya , tak tunjukin jalan menuju sorga, eeh, maksudnya cara melakukannya.
Udah berdebar-debar ya?, nggak sabar nunggu ya? ya udah deh ini dia Tips dan Trik untuk memproteksi artikel dari pencurian...

pertama-tama kita panjatkan puja dan puji sukur kita kepada Tuhan YME. Walah malah pidato. Langsung aja deh
Pertama-tama kita panjatkan, walah kok itu lagi sih :@
Pertama-tama kita analisa dulu, biasanya kalo mau nyuri artikel kan ada beberapa cara nih, mulai dari menyeleksi tulisan yang mau dicuri kemudian di copy-paste. Atau melihat "Source Code"nya dengan meng-klik kanan dan lain-lain. Ada beberapa cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, mulai dari cara yang mudah sampai cara yang sulit. Nha untuk Tips dan Trik kali ini kita akan mencoba menggunakan cara yang mudah saja, tapi ingat, cara ini hanya efektif untuk menghadapi maling kelas teri, jadi nggak akan mempan menghadapi para penjahat kelas kakap yang sudah banyak makan asam garam dunia internet (emangnya enak makan asam ama garam?). Tapi lumayan kan untuk berjaga jaga dari maling-maling kelas teri. Nha berikut adalah triknya...
copy script dibawah ini kedalam body kamu (lho? kok kedalam body sih?), maksudnya kedalam tag Layout --> Edit HTML
cari kode ini letaknya kira-kira di tengah bagian kiri, dan biasanya setelah kode . perlu diperhatikan bahwa di dalam kode html terdapat banyak tulisan "body", jangan salah memilih body :D .
kalo sudah ketemu letakkkan script ini didalamnya

onmousedown="return false" oncontextmenu="return false" onselectstart="return false"

contohnya kayak gini nih

Nha, script diatas untuk memproteksi agar text yang ada tidak bisa di seleksi untuk dicopy, dan juga tidak bisa di klik kanan.
trus bagaimana kalo kalo pencurinya lihat source code kita lewat menu-menu yang ada di web browser? misalnya yang pake Mozilla dengan cara Klik View -->> Page Source atau dengan menekan Ctrl+u. Nha untuk menakali masalah ini kita kita pakai cara licik aja, yaitu dengan menurunkan script html kebawah, caranya gimana tuh?
gini, taruh kursor/pointer ke atas tag (letaknya dibagian atas), trus tekan enter sampai kira-kira 70 kali. Nha kalo pencurinya melihat source code kita, dia hanya akan melihat kode kepala dari html kita, sedangkan isi dari blog kita kan udah turun ke bawah, tul ga? :D
tapi ingat sekali lagi, ini hanya untuk pencuri kelas teri, walaupun diproteksi secanggih apapun, pasti tetap aja ada orang yang akan bisa membongkarnya, tapi kan setidaknya kita berjaga-jaga, ya tho?
Monggo di jajal..

Perhatian : Kalo pake trik proteksi ini, maka untuk form-form isian seperti search engine, kotak komentar haloscan, shoutbox ogix. tidak bisa diisi. Jadi kalo memang tidak benar-benar diperlukan, jangan menggunakan trik ini. he..he.. :D


Melacak Jejak Pengunjung Blog Dengan Google Analytics

Bagi sebagian pemilik blog, mungkin terramat suangat uingin swekali mengetahui data-data dari para pengunjung blognya. Hal tersebut dijuntukkan dengan adanya bermacam-macam pernak-pernik yang ada di blognya, seperti misalnya "Hit Counter", "Site Track Meter", "Alat pendeteksi jumlah pengunjung", "Alat pendeteksi Tsunami (eh, yg ini nggak deng)", dll. Nah buat kamu yang termasuk kedalam golongan umat ini, ada sebuah layanan masyarakat dari Pak Dhe "Google", namanya Google Analytics. Bagi yang sering bergentayangan di dunia maya mungkin tahu apa itu Google Analytics, tapi bagi yang masih Newbe ato masih O-On :p (jangan marah ya dikatakan o'on) pasti belum tahu atao tahu tapi dikit. Nha.. disini akan coba saya terangkan tentang Google Analytics. Simaklah dengan cermat penjelasan berikut ini:

Google Analytics berbeda dengan Hit Counter. Hit Counter biasanya hanya menghitung jumlah pengunjung yang datang untuk menjenguk (emangnya sakit). Sedangkan Google Analytics, beliau tidak hanya menghitung jumlah para pengunjung tapi juga data-data yang lainnya, misalnya tentang:

* Berapa pengunjung yang datang tiap harinya

* Berapa lama mereka nognkrong di blog kamu

* Browser apa yang mereka gunakan

* Dengan cara apa mereka datang, misalnya naik angkot ato jalan kaki (maksudnya lewat search engine, lewat situs orang lain atao langsung datang mak pedunduk).

* Dari negara mana mereka datang

* Dari kota mana

* umurnya berapa

* Anaknya siapa

* Udah punya pacar apa belum

* Ortunya galak ga, dll

NB: Tiga poin terakhir bo'ong.

Nah, pengen gak tuh? kalo pengen daftar disini http://google.com/analytics
Tapi syarat daftarnya sangat berat, yaitu kamu harus punya account di google. Nah berat banget kan? (berat bagi yang gak bisa baca ngetik). Kalo udah daftar nanti kamu tinggal ngisi form yang disodorkan, tapi sante aja cara ngisinya gampang kok gak kayak di SPMB, diantaranya yaitu ngisi alamt webblog kamu, trus jangan lupa nge-set "Time Zone" tapi harus beli coin dulu (emangnya time zone yang ada di mall2). Trus setelah itu kamu nanti akan dikasih kode/script sama Pak Dhe Google (jangan lupa bilang terima kasih). Selesai??? belooommmmm... masih ada lagi..
Nha setelah itu kopi kode/script tersebut, trus login ke blogger Klik Templat -->> Edit HTML. Paste kode/script yang udah dikopi kedalam tag HTML yaitu sebelum tag jangan lupa disimpan. Selesai??? Belooommm...
Kembali lagi ke google.com/analytics, kamu harus mengklikCheck Status dulu (Dicek apakah kamu masih single atau doble). Kalo udah berhasil maka akan ada tandanya, kalo belum ya dicoba lagi.
Datanya baru akan muncul satu hari kemudian, jadi ini bukan seperti hit conter yang datanya akan langsung berubah tiap detik tapi data-data google.com/analytics ini akan muncul tiap ganti hari.


Cara Membackup Blog

Setelah mengalami kejadian hilangya blog yang kemarin itu, ternyata baru tahu betapa pentingnya untuk membackup blog kita. Setelah mutar-mutar akhirnya nemu juga layanan untuk membackup blog kita, yaitu di blogbackuponline. Dengan layanan ini kita bisa dengan mudah membackup blog kita disana secara gratis. Tapi layanan ini hanya memberikan space sebesar 5 MB (kok sedikit ya).Tapi jangan khawatir walopun cuma 5 MB tapi aku rasa cukup untuk membackup data-data blog kita. Jika kita memposting rata-rata perpostingan itu 1000 karakter, maka itu cukup untuk membackup sampai 5000 postingan, lumayan kan. Tapi untuk yang versi FREE alias gratis kita tidak bisa membackup data berupa gambar dan video. Kita hanya bisa membackup artikel-artikel postingan kita saja.

Gimana? tertarik untuk membackup datamu? Caranya cukup mudah, yaitu:

1. Buka website https://www.blogbackuponline.com dan daftarkan diri kamu disana. Setelah mendaftar kamu akan mendapatkan kiriman email untuk mengaktifkan account km.
2. Kalo sudah aktif login ke website tersebut. Setelah login maka segera registrasikan alamat blogmu yaitu dengan cara mengklik tombol "Start Registering Your Blog".
3. Masukkan alamat blog km dalam kotak yang disediakan, kemudian klik tombol "Register Blog"
4. Setelah itu maka tunggulah proses backupnya. setelah itu pilih tombol "Start Full Backup", Selesai deh.

Trus caranya mengembalikan data kita gimana?
Untuk yang versi bayar, sangat mudah dan bisa dilakukan secara otomatis dengan memencet menu restore. Tapi untuk yang versi GRATIS, kita hanya bisa mendapatkan data-data postingan kita. Caranya masuk ke "Dashboard" trus klik tombol "Manage" setelah itu pilih menu "Content". Nha disitulah semua data-data postinganmu berada. Giamna lumayan kan, daripada harus mengetik ulang ampe membuat tangan gempor mending tinggal copy paste aja. Lagian apa kita ingat semua isi postingan kita? ya to?


Tanda-tanda wanita menolak cinta seorang pria.

Setiap pria tentu saja kecewa ketika cintanya kepada seorang wanita harus bertepuk sebelah tangan. Mereka pun lantas beranggapan bahwa seluruh pengorbanannya untuk merebut hati sang pujaan tidak berarti sama sekali.

Padahal, mungkin saja wanita yang diincarnya itu memang tidak menyimpan cinta sedikit pun di hatinya terhadap pria tersebut. Menurut Askmen, wanita mempunyai banyak alasan untuk menolak cinta dari seorang pria.

Inilah tanda-tanda wanita menolak cinta seorang pria.

Dia tidak tertawa dengan lelucon Anda
Anda mungkin sudah berusaha keras menghibur hati wanita yang Anda idamkan, tetapi Anda memang harus sadar diri bahwa usaha Anda tersebut tidak menuai hasil positif. Sang pujaan hati tidak merespons sikap Anda dengan melempar wajah cemberut.

Dia tidak menelepon Anda kembali
Pria yang sedang terpanah asmara ingin selalu bersama dengan wanita incarannya. Bahkan, dia pun setiap hari ingin menghubungi telepon genggamnya. Namun, Anda jangan terkejut jika ternyata dia tidak mau menjawab telepon Anda, sekalipun Anda melancarkan strategi lain seperti mengirimkan pesan pendek kepadanya.

Dia selalu menolak Anda ketika diajak berkencan
Anda akan berusaha keras agar sang idola mau diajak berkencan. Namun, wanita yang sudah terlanjur tidak mencintai Anda juga tidak kalah cerdik untuk melancarkan serangkaian alasan agar bisa membatalkan kencan bersama Anda.

Dia bersikap terbuka enggan menjalin asmara
Anda memang harus siap mental jika ternyata sang pujaan enggan menjalin asmara dengan Anda. Anda mungkin tidak bisa menerima kenyataan tersebut, tetapi Anda masih berkesempatan untuk menjalin hubungan dengan wanita lain.


Tips PDKT Buat Cowo dan Cewe

Ini mungkin hanya tips yang sudah pernah kalian coba atau mengalaminya sendiri, tapi kali ini saya hanya mengingatkan pada kalian yang sedang PDKT untuk “Jangan pernah melanggar hal-hal penting dibawah ini agar PDKT kalian bisa berjalan sukses dan mengurangi resiko penolakan cinta kalian”. Langkah yang akan saya tulis berikut ini wajib dipraktekan oleh kalian, baik cowok maupun cewek. Di artikel ini, saya sudah memisahkan panduan Tips untuk cowok dan cewek. Silahkan dicermati

Langkah PDKT sukses buat cowok :

1. Jangan Berlakukan Jam Karet/Telat.

Cewek paling males ama cowok yang suka telat. Ingatlah kalian para cowok, kalo cewek itu mahluk yang paling disiplin ontime.

2. Stop Langgar Janji.

Ini dia yang jangan pernah disinggung. Sekali kalian melanggar janji yang sudah dibuat, itu akan menurunkan citra kalian dimata tuh cewek.

3. Ucapan Yang Lebay, No way.

Apa yang kalian omongkan sewaktu PDKT, pliz biasa aja lagi, jangan lebay. Cewek bete ama cowok yang suka melebih-lebihkan seakan dia hebat. Katakan kalimat yang tidak over-reacted. Gambarkan kalo diri kalian adalah orang yang ga sok kegantengan, orang yang apa adanya.

4. Fokuskan Pandangan Mata.

Ketika sedang berbincang, jagalah mata kalian. Jangan suka kiri-kanan,depan-belakang. Apa lagi kalo liat cewek bahenol, bakal ancur PDKT-nya. Fokus pandangan kalian ke mata si Doi (jangan ke yang laen), bikin dia merasa nyaman dengan tatapan kalian

5. Singkirkan Bau Rokok/Asap Rokok.

Bagi kalian para Cowok yang suka nge-rokok, ketika PDKT jangan pernah nge-rokok di depan doi atau usahakan nafas dan tangan kalian tidak beraroma rokok. Cewek paling benci ama cowok nge-rokok.

6. No more Parfum Nyengat.

Jika kalian pikir selama ini kalo PDKT harus mandi parfum biar wangi, kalian salah. Parfum yang nyengat justru bikin cewek jadi eneg. Mereka juga butuh ruang napas. Gunakan parfum yang gentle (lembut). Jangan terlalu banyak, sebenarnya cewek lebih suka mencium aroma tubuh cowok.

7. Berilah perhatian yang cukup.

Perhatian yang diberikan ke doi jangan berlebihan. Lakukan saja yang menurut kalian bisa. Jangan keseringan menanyakan aktifitas mereka sehari-hari.

8. Bertamu sesuai jadwal.

Jika kalian ingin maen ke rumah mereka…Jangan keseringan. Buatlah mereka merasa kangen, merasa seperti ada sesuatu yang hilang. Buatlah jadwal yang tepat untuk berkunjung.

Sedangkan berikut ini adalah Langkah PDKT buat cewek yang lagi dideketin ama cowok impiannya :

1. Gunakan wangi-wangian aroma buah, Jangan Koyo Cabe.

Seorang cowok lebih suka mencium aroma buah daripada parfum mahal. Karena itu usahakan mandi atau luluran yang beraroma buah, selain itu cowok juga suka ama cewek yang pake Baby Oil.

2. Pake Baju Serasi, No Daster Bolong.

Pakailah pakaian yang menurut kalian pantas. Pakaian yang memperlihatkan lekuk tubuh bukanlah solusi tepat, karena akan membuat cowok tidak bisa berpikir dan bicaranya jadi gugup. Mereka justru akan merasa risih dan takut juga. Gunakan pakaian sederhana tapi berkesan penuh warna (tipi kale yah…)

3. Jangan buang pandangan Mata.

Ketika kalian berbicara dengan cowok, janganlah membuang pandangan mata. Cowok tidak terlalu suka akan hal itu. Kalian harus merespon dengan menatap matanya, karena kesan pertama yang dilihat oleh cowok adalah mata. Buatlah diri kalian nyaman akan tatapan matanya. Dari Mata turun ke hati.

4. Jangan Jaim, pliz deh.

Nah…inilah kebanyakan sikap cewek Indonesia. Rasa Jaim yang besar dengan tradisi kalimat “Masa cewek harus duluan..” itu harus dihilangkan. Usir rasa Jaim kalian, bersikaplah agak cuek tapi tetep memperlihatkan diri kalian yang sebenarnya sebagai sosok yang feminim.

5. Balas perhatian dan usaha mereka

Tiap cowok pasti akan memberi perhatian kepada cewek yang disukainya. Balaslah perhatian mereka, tapi jangan sampai mereka besar kepala. Ketika mengucapkan terima kasih, genggamlah tangannya atas usaha yang mereka lakukan.

6. Tersenyumlah

Perlihatkan wajah bahagia kalian ketika si doi maen ke rumah/kos. Dalam keadaan sedih,nangis atau marah…cobalah berikan senyuman agar mereka tahu kalo datang di saat yang tepat (biar ga merasa diusir).

Itu dia Langkah PDKT Sukses buat cowok dan cewek. Kenapa cowok lebih banyak langkah yang perlu dipertimbangkan?? Karena disini yang menjadi objek yang aktif, sedangkan cewek sebagai perespon. Oleh Karena itu, semua langkah diatas tergantung akan usaha cowok. Tapi semua akan berjalan lancar jika cewek juga ikut membantu meresponnya.


Computer Assisted Language Learning

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are tools for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials are used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a student-centered accelerated learning material, which promotes self-paced accelerated learning.Definition

CALL originates from CAI (Computer-Accelerated Instruction), a term that was first viewed as an aid for teachers. The philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centered lessons that allow the learners to learn on their own using structured and/or unstructured interactive lessons. These lessons carry 2 important features: bidirectional (interactive) learning and individualized learning. CALL is not a method. It is a tool that helps teachers to facilitate language learning process. CALL can be used to reinforce what has been learned in the classrooms. It can also be used as remedial to help learners with limited language proficiency.

The design of CALL lessons generally takes into consideration principles of language pedagogy, which may be derived from learning theories (behaviorist, cognitive, and constructivist) and second language learning such as Krashen's Monitor Theory.

Others may call CALL an approach to teaching and learning foreign languages whereby the computer and computer-based resources such as the Internet are used to present, reinforce and assess material to be learned. CALL can be made independent of the Internet. It can stand alone for example in a CDROM format. Depending on its design and objectives, it may include a substantial interactive element especially when CALL is integrated in web-based format. It may include the search for and the investigation of applications in language teaching and learning. [1] Except for self-study software, CALL is meant to supplement face-to-face language instruction, not replace it.[2]

Computers have been used for language teaching ever since the 1960s. This 40-year period can be divided into three main stages: behaviorist CALL, communicative CALL, and integrative CALL. Each stage corresponds to a certain level of technology and certain pedagogical theories. The reasons for using Computer-assisted Language Learning include: (a) experiential learning, (b) motivation, (c) enhance student achievement, (d) authentic materials for study, (e) greater interaction, (f) individualization, (g) independence from a single source of information, and (h) global understanding. The barriers inhibiting the practice of Computer-assisted Language Learning can be classified in the following common categories: (a) financial barriers, (b) availability of computer hardware and software, (c) technical and theoretical knowledge, and (d) acceptance of the technology.


CALL’s origins and development trace back to the 1960’s (Delcloque 2000). Since the early days CALL has developed into a symbiotic relationship between the development of technology and pedagogy.

Warschauer divided the development of CALL into three phases: Behavioristic CALL, Communicative CALL and Integrative CALL (Multimedia and the Internet)[1]. Bax (2003) perceived the three phases as Restricted, Open and Integrated - and there have been several other attempts to categorize the history of CALL: see the ICT4LT website (Section 3 of Module 1.4)].

Because repeated exposure to material was considered to be beneficial or even essential, computers were considered ideal for this aspect of learning as the machines did not get bored or impatient with learners and the computer could present material to the student as his/her own pace and even adapt the drills to the level of the student. Hence, CALL programs of this era presented a stimulus to which the learner provided a response. At first, both could be done only through text. The computer would analyze errors and give feedback. More sophisticated programs would react to students’ mistakes by branching to help screens and remedial activities. While such programs and their underlying pedagogy still exist today, to a large part behavioristic approaches to language learning have been rejected and the increasing sophistication of computer technology has lead CALL to other possibilities.

Communicative CALL is based on the communicative approach that became prominent in the late 1970’s and 1980’s. In the communicative approach, the focus is on using the language rather than analysis of the language, teaching grammar implicitly. It also allowed for originality and flexibility in student output of language. It also correlates with the arrival of the PC, making computing much widely available resulting in a boom in the development of software for language learning. The first CALL software in this phase still provided skill practice but not in a drill format, for example, paced reading, text reconstruction and language games but computer remained the tutor. In this phase, however, computers provided context for students to use the language, such as asking for directions to a place. It also allowed for programs not designed for language learning, such as Sim City, Sleuth and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? to be used for language learning. However, criticisms of this approach include using the computer in an ad hoc and disconnected manner for more marginal rather than the central aims of language teaching. It usually taught skills such as reading and listening in a compartmentalized way, even if not in a drill fashion.

Integrative/explorative CALL, starting from the 1990’s, tries to address these criticisms by integrating the teaching of language skills into tasks or projects to provide direction and coherence. It also coincides with the development of multimedia technology (providing text, graphics, sound and animation) as well as computer-mediated communication. CALL in this period saw a definitive shift of use of computer for drill and tutorial purposes (computer as a finite authoritative base for a specific task) to a medium for extending education beyond the classroom and reorganizing instruction. Multimedia CALL started with interactive laser videodiscs such as “Montevidisco” (Schneider & Bennion 1984) and “A la rencontre de Philippe” (Fuerstenberg 1993), all of which were simulations of situations where the learner played a key role. These programs later were transferred to CD-ROMs, and new RPGs such as Who is Oscar Lake? made their appearance in a range of different languages.

In multimedia programs, listening is combined with seeing, just like in the real world. Students also control the pace and the path of the interaction. Interaction is in the foreground but many CALL programs also provide links to explanations simultaneously. An example of this is Dustin’s simulation of a foreign student’s arrival in the USA. Programs like this led also to what is called explorative CALL.

More recent research in CALL has favored a learner-centered explorative approach, where students are encouraged to try different possible solutions to a problem, for example the use of concordance programs. This approach is also described as data-driven learning (DDL), a term coined by Tim Johns. See Module 2.4 at the ICT4LT site, Using concordance programs in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom.
[edit] CALL and computational linguistics

CALL and computational linguistics are separate but somewhat interdependent fields of study. The basic goal of computational linguistics is to “teach” computers to generate and comprehend grammatically-acceptable sentences… for purposes of translation and direct communication with computers where the computer understands and generates natural language. Computational linguistics takes the principles of

A very simple example of computers understanding natural language in relation to second language learning is vocabulary drill exercises. The computer prompts the learner with a word on either the L1 or target language and the student responds with the corresponding word.

On a superficial level, the core issue for humans and computers using language is the same; finding the best match between a given speech sound and its corresponding word string, then generating the correct and appropriate response. However, humans and machines process speech in fundamentally different ways. Humans use complex cognitive processes, taking into account variables such as social situations and rules while speech for a computer is simply a series of digital values to generate and parse language.journal=Language Learning and Technology |volume=2 |issue=1 |pages=45–60 |id= |url= |accessdate= 2007-12-02 }} For this reason, those involved in CALL from a computational linguistics perspective tend to be more optimistic about a computer’s ability to do error analysis and other pedagogical tasks than those who come into CALL via language teaching. [2]

The term Human Language Technologies is often used to describe some aspects of computational linguistics, having replaced the former term Language Engineering. There has been an upsurge of work in this area in recent years, especially with regard to machine translation and speech synthesis and speech analysis. The professional associations EUROCALL (Europe) and CALICO (USA) have special interest groups (SIGs), respectively devoted to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Intelligent CALL (ICALL). See Module 3.5 at the ICT4LT website for further information.
Theoretical basis for CALL instruction design

Computers have become so widespread in schools and homes and their uses have expanded so dramatically that the majority of language teachers now think about the implications. Technology can bring about changes in the teaching methodologies of foreign language beyond simply automating fill-in-the-gap exercises. [3] The use of the computer in and of itself does not constitute a teaching method, but rather the computer forces pedagogy to develop in new ways that exploit the computer's benefits and that work around its limitations. [1] To exploit the computers’ potential, we need language teaching specialists who can promote a complementary relationship between computer technology and appropriate pedagogic programs. [3]

A number of pedagogical approaches have developed in the computer age, including the communicative and integrative/experimentative approaches outlined above in the History of CALL. Others include constructivism, whole language theory and sociocultural theory although they are not exclusively theories of language learning. With constructivism, students are active participants in a task in which they “construct” new knowledge based on experience in order to incorporate new ideas into their already-established schema of knowledge. Whole language theory postulates that language learning (either native or second language) moves from the whole to the part; rather than building sub-skills like grammar to lead toward higher abilities like reading comprehension, whole language insists the opposite is the way we really learn to use language. Students learn grammar and other sub-skills by making intelligent guesses bases on the input they have experienced. It also promotes that the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are interrelated. [4] Sociocultural theory states that learning is a process of becoming part of a desired community and learning that communities rules of behavior. [5]

What most of these approaches have in common is taking the central focus away from the teacher as a conveyor of knowledge to giving students learning experiences that are as realistic as possible, and where they play a central role. Also, these approaches tend to emphasize fluency over accuracy to allow students to take risks in using more student-centered activities, and to cooperate, rather than compete. [3] The computer provides opportunity for students to be less dependent on a teacher and have more freedom to experiment on their own with natural language in natural or semi-natural settings.
Role changes for teachers and students

Although the integration of CALL into a foreign language program can lead to great anxiety among language teachers, [6] researchers consistently claim that CALL changes, sometimes radically, the role of the teacher but does not eliminate the need for a teacher altogether. Instead of handing down knowledge to students and being the center of students’ attention, teachers become guides as they construct the activities students are to do and help them as students complete the assigned tasks. In other words, instead of being directly involved in students’ construction of the language, the teacher interacts with students primarily to facilitate difficulties in using the target language (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) that arise when interacting with the computer and/or other people. [4] [3]

Elimination of a strong teacher presence has been shown to lead to larger quantity and better quality of communication such as more fluidity, more use of complex sentences and more sharing of students’ personal selves. [4] However, teacher presence is still very important to students when doing CALL activities. Teachers should be familiar enough with the resources to be used to anticipate technical problems and limitations. [3] Students need the reassuring and motivating presence of a teacher in CALL environments. Not only are they needed during the initial learning curve, they are needed to conduct review sessions to reinforce what was learned. Encouraging students to participate and offering praise are deemed important by students. Most students report preferring to do work in a lab with a teacher’s or tutor’s presence rather than completely on their own. [4]

Students, too, need to adjust their expectations, of their participation in the class in order to use CALL effectively. Rather than passively absorbing information, learners must negotiate meaning and assimilate new information through interaction and collaboration with someone other than the teacher, be that person a classmate or someone outside of the classroom entirely. Learners must also learn to interpret new information and experiences on their own terms. However, because the use of technology redistributes teachers’ and classmates’ attentions, less-able students can become more active participants in the class because class interaction is not limited to that directed by the teacher. [4] Moreover more shy students can feel free in their own students'-centered environment. This will raise their self-esteem and their knowledge will be improving. If students are performing collaborative project they will do their best to perform it within set time limits.
Use of CALL for the four skills

A number of studies have been done concerning how the use of CALL affects the development of language learners’ four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Most report significant gains in reading and listening and most CALL programs are geared toward these receptive skills because of the current state of computer technology. However, most reading and listening software is based on drills. [3] Gains in writing skills have not been as impressive as computers cannot assess this well. [4]

However, using current CALL technology, even with its current limitations, for the development of speaking abilities has gained much attention. There has been some success in using CALL, in particular computer-mediated communication, to help speaking skills closely linked to “communicative competence” (ability to engage in meaningful conversation in the target language) and provide controlled interactive speaking practice outside the classroom. [7] Using chat has been shown to help students routinize certain often-used expressions to promote the development of automatic structure that help develop speaking skills. This is true even if the chat is purely textual. The use of videoconferencing give not only immediacy when communicating with a real person but also visual cues, such as facial expressions, making such communication more authentic. [4]

However, when it comes to using the computer not as a medium of communication (with other people) but as something to interact with verbally in a direct manner, the current computer technology’s limitations are at their clearest. Right now, there are two fairly successful applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR) (or speech processing technology) where the computer “understands” the spoken words of the learner. The first is pronunciation training. Learners read sentences on the screen and the computer gives feedback as to the accuracy of the utterance, usually in the form of visual sound waves. [7] The second is software where the learner speaks commands for the computer to do. However, speakers in these programs are limited to predetermined texts so that the computer will “understand” them. [3]
Multimedia language centers

During the 1960s, language laboratories with cassette players and headphones were introduced into educational institutions. The use of this kind of center grew rapidly in the late 1960s and 1970s, but then went rapidly out of fashion."[8] Later, “digital language labs” were introduced, still following the traditional language format, such as teacher monitoring. What made them new was that they incorporated new technologies such as video. The term multimedia was originally used to describe sets of learning materials which included a book, audiocassettes and/or videocassettes. However, with the advent of computer-based materials, such packages tend to be called multiple media or mixed media - although there is not absolute consensus on this point. Nowadays multimedia refers to computer-based materials that can perform more varied tasks then the purely-audio mixed-media. Not only can such play pre-recorded audio and video material, it can create new audio and video recordings. It also has the capability of integrating the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as giving immediate, if limited, feedback to the student. However, like its predecessors, multimedia centers run the risk of being underutilized due to poor management. [9]

While multimedia computer-based materials can be used directly in the classroom, because of costs, such resources are usually found in a multimedia language center, fulfilling the role of the previous cassette-based and digital language laboratories. However, managing such a center requires knowledge of a wide range of equipment and the increasing expectations of such equipment from administrators, language teachers and students. Administrators often have the mistaken belief that buying hardware by itself will meet the needs of the center (often devoting 90% of a center’s budget to such and ignoring software and training needs) and will cut down on the number of teaching staff needed. [10]

While multimedia offers many opportunities for language learning with the availability of text, images, sound and video as well as interactive activities, the problem is that these opportunities have not been taken advantage of well. Most multimedia computer programs tend to be strong on presentation but weak as far as pedagogy and even interaction. One of the main promises of CALL is the ability to individualize learning, but like with past language laboratories, use of the facilities in many cases have devolved into rows of students all doing the same drills. The only advantage to the multimedia in these cases has been better sound and color images. Most modern language learning theories stress the importance of teacher guidance rather than control, giving students control over what they do, how fast they do it and even the ability to find and correct their own mistakes.[10]

Managing a multimedia language center properly requires not only knowledge of foreign languages and language teaching methodology, it also requires a certain amount of technical know-how and budget management ability as well as the ability to combine all these into creative ways of taking advantage of what the technology can offer. Often a center manager needs assistants for technical problems, for managing resources and even the tutoring of students. Multimedia centers lend themselves to self-study, and potentially self-directed learning, but such is often misunderstood. The simple existence of computers in a laboratory does not automatically lead to students learning independently. Significant investment of time is essential for materials development and creating an atmosphere conducive to such.

Self access language learning centers or independent learning centres have emerged partially independently, and partially in response to these issues. In self-access learning, the focus is on developing learner autonomy through varying degrees of self-directed learning, as opposed to (or as a complement to) classroom learning. In most centres, learners access materials and manage their learning independently, but have access to staff for help. Many self-access centres are heavy users of technology and an increasing number of them are now offering online self-access learning opportunities. Some centres have developed novel ways of supporting language learning outside the context of the language classroom (also called 'language support') by developing software to monitor students' self-directed learning and by offering online support from teachers (cf. [11])

Center managers and support staff need to have new roles defined for them to support students’ efforts at self-directed learning. In fact, a new job description has emerged recently, that of a “language advisor”[12].
Advantages of CALL

Generally speaking, the use of technology inside or outside the classroom tends to make the class more interesting. However, certain design issues affect just how interesting the particular tool creates motivation. [4] One way a program or activity can promote motivation in students is by personalizing information, for example by integrating the student’s name or familiar contexts as part of the program or task. Others include having animate objects on the screen, providing practice activities that incorporate challenges and curiosity and providing a context (real-world or fantasy) that is not directly language-oriented.

For example, a study comparing students who used “CornerStone” (a language arts development program) showed a significant increase in learning (compared to students not using the program) between two classes of English-immersion middle-school students in language arts. This is because CornerStone incorporate personalized information and challenging and imaginative exercises in a fantasy context. [13] Also, using a variety of multimedia components in one program or course has been shown to increase student interest and motivation. [4]

One quantifiable benefit to increased motivation is that students tend to spend more time on tasks when on the computer. More time is frequently cited as a factor in achievement. [4]
Adapting learning to the student

Computers can give a new role to teaching materials. Without computers, students cannot really influence the linear progression of the class content but computers can adapt to the student. [3] Adapting to the student usually means that the student controls the pace of the learning but also means that students can make choices in what and how to learn, skipping unnecessary items or doing remedial work on difficult concepts. Such control makes students feel more competent in their learning. [13] Students tend to prefer exercises where they have control over content, such as branching stories, adventures, puzzles or logic problems. With these, the computer has the role of providing attractive context for the use of language rather than directly providing the language the student needs. [3]

“Authenticity” in language learning means the opportunity to interact in one or more of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) by using or producing texts meant for an audience in the target language, not the classroom. With real communication acts, rather than teacher-contrived ones, students feel empowered and less afraid to contact others. Students believe they learn faster and better with computer-mediated communication. [3] Also, students learn more about culture in such an environment. [4] In networked computer environments, students have a conscious feeling of being members of a real community. In situations where all are learners of a foreign language, there is also a feeling of equality. In these situations students feel less stressed and more confident in a language learning situation, in part because surface errors do not matter so much. This works best with synchronous CMC (e.g. chats) as there is immediate feedback but email exchanges have been shown to provide most of the same benefits in motivation and student affect. [3]
[edit] Critical thinking skills

Use of computer technology in classrooms is generally reported to improve self-concept and mastery of basic skills, more student-centered learning and engagement in the learning process, more active processing resulting in higher-order thinking skills and better recall, gain confidence in directing their own learning. This is true for both language and non-language classrooms. [4]
Problems and criticisms of CALL instruction

The impact of CALL in foreign language education has been modest. [7] Several reasons can be attributed to this.
The first is the limitations of the technology, both in its ability and availability. First of all, there is the problem with cost[1] and the simple availability of technological resources such as the Internet (either non-existent as can be the case in many developing countries or lack of bandwidth, as can be the case just about anywhere). [3] However, the limitations that current computer technology has can be problematic as well. While computer technology has improved greatly in the last three decades, demands placed on CALL have grown even more so. One major goal is to have computers with which students can have true, human-like interaction, esp. for speaking practice; however, the technology is far from that point. Not to mention that if the computer cannot evaluate a learner’s speech exactly, it is almost no use at all. [7][1]
However, most of the problems that appear in the literature on CALL have more to do with teacher expectations and apprehensions about what computers can do for the language learner and teacher. Teachers and administrators tend to either think computers are worthless or even harmful, or can do far more than they are really capable of. [6]
Reluctance on part of teachers can come from lack of understanding and even fear of technology. Often CALL is not implemented unless it is required even if training is offered to teachers. [6] One reason for this is that from the 1960’s to the 1980’s, computer technology was limited mostly for the sciences, creating a real and psychological distance for language teaching. [14] Language teachers can be more comfortable with textbooks because it is what they are used do, and there is the idea that the use of computers threatens traditional literacy skills since such are heavily tied to books. [14] [15] These stem in part because there is a significant generation gap between teachers (many of whom did not grow up with computers) and students (who did grow up with them).
Also, teachers may resist because CALL activities can be more difficult to evaluate than more traditional exercises. For example, most Mexican teachers feel strongly that a completed fill-in textbook “proves” learning. [15] While students may be motivated by exercises like branching stories, adventures, puzzles or logic, these activities provide little in the way of systematic evaluation of progress. [3]
Even teachers who may otherwise see benefits to CALL may be put off by the time and effort needed to implement it well. However “seductive” the power of computing systems may be[3], like with the introduction of the audio language lab in the 1960’s, those who simply expect results by purchasing expensive equipment are likely to be disappointed. [1] To begin with, there are the simple matters of sorting through the numerous resources that exist and getting students ready to use computer resources. With Internet sites alone, it can be very difficult to know where to begin, and if students are unfamiliar with the resource to be used, the teacher must take time to teach it. [3] Also, there is a lack of unified theoretical framework for designing and evaluating CALL systems as well as absence of conclusive empirical evidence for the pedagogical benefits of computers in language. [7] Most teachers lack the time or training to create CALL-based assignments, leading to reliance on commercially-published sources, whether such are pedagogically sound or not. [1]
However, the most crucial factor that can lead to the failure of CALL, or the use of any technology in language education is not the failure of the technology, but rather the failure to invest adequately in teacher training and the lack of imagination to take advantage of the technology's flexibility. Graham Davies states that too often, technology is seen as a panacea, especially by administrators, and the human component necessary to make it beneficial is ignored. Under these circumstances, he argues, "it is probably better to dispense with technology altogether".[8]

Rody Klein, Clint Rogers and Zhang Yong (2006), studying the adoption of Learning Technologies in Chinese schools and colleges, have also pointed out that the spread of video games on electronic devices, including computers, dictionaries and mobile phones, is feared in most Chinese institutions. And yet every classroom is very well equipped with a desk imbedded computer, Internet connexion, microphone, video projector and remote controlled screen to be used by the teacher for multimedia presentations. Very often the 'leaders' prefer to ban completely Learning Technologies for students at the dismay of many foreign ESL teachers. Books and exercise books still prevail. In order to enhance CALL for teaching ESL and other languages in developing countries, it would be also crucial to teach students how to learn by themselves and develop the capacity to practice self evaluation and enhance intrinsic motivation. Tests and quizzes should be designed accordingly to encourage and enhance students autonomous practice. Teachers using CALL should be computer literate and trained continuously. Ideally each Foreign Language Department using CALL should hire an experienced Computer Scientist who could assist teachers. That expert should demonstrate dual expertise both in Education and Learning Technologies.

1. ^ a b c d e f "Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction". Warschauer Mark. http://www.ict4lt.org/en/warschauer.htm. Retrieved 2008-04-11.
2. ^ "CALL (computer assisted language learning) Guide to Good Practice 3". Davies Graham. http://www.yarasystem.ir/index.html?www.llas.ac.uk&resources&goodpracticeaspx&resourceid=61. Retrieved 2007-12-01.
3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "Computer-assisted language learning: Increase of freedom of submission to machines?" (Domingo Noemi). http://www.terra.es/personal/nostat. Retrieved 2007-12-10.
4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l {{cit
e journal |last=Stepp-Greany |first=Jonita |year=2002 |month=January |title=Students perceptions on language learning in a technological environment: Implications for the new millennium |journal= Language Learning and Technology |volume= |issue= |pages= |id= |url= |accessdate= 2007-12-15 }}
5. ^ Mitchell, R; F. Myles (1998). Second Language Learning Theories. London: Arnold.
6. ^ a b c Thelmadatter, Leigh (July/Sept 2007). "The Computers Are Coming … Are Here!". TESOL Greece Newsletter 95.
7. ^ a b c d e Ehsani, Farzad; Eva Knodt (July 1998). "Speech technology in computer-aided language learning: Strengths and limitations of a new CALL paradigm". Language Learning and Technology 2 (1): 45–60.
8. ^ a b "ICT4LT Module 1.1". http://www.ict4lt.org/en/index.htm. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
9. ^ "Introduction to multimedia CALL". http://www.ict4lt.org/en/index.htm. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
10. ^ a b "Managing a multimedia language centre". http://www.ict4lt.org/en/index.htm. Retrieved 2008-07-11.
11. ^ Reinders, Hayo (July 2007). "Big brother is helping you. Supporting self-access language learning with a student monitoring system". System 35 (1): 93–111. http://www.innovationinteaching.org.
12. ^ [1]
13. ^ a b Traynor, Patrick (July 2003). "Effects of computer-assisted instruction on different learners". Journal of Instructional Psychology.
14. ^ a b Ravichandran, T (2000). Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in the perspective of the interactive approach: Advantages and apprehensions.
15. ^ a b Bollin, G.G. (Mar/Apr 2003). "The Realities of Middle School for Mexican Children". The Clearing House 76 (4): 198.


Improving your motivation for learning English

In this article, we share our techniques for improving your motivation for learning English as a foreign language. We used them all the time when we were learning English and we still use them when we need to boost our motivation in areas other than English.

Imagine yourself in the future

Imagine you can talk to native speakers just like you talk in your first language. Imagine other people wanting to speak English as well as you do. Imagine the possibility of writing e-mail to people from all over the world.

It is helpful to read an article about the advantages of knowing English well. There are two such articles on Antimoon: Why learn English and English makes you feel good.

You should know that it is possible to learn English really well. Just look at other people who have done it.

Remember that you are already good

You already know some English (you're reading an article in English right now). That's a big success! Now it's time for more successes. Time to start using powerful methods of effective learning. Time to gain an impressive knowledge of English.

Remember there is a lot that you don't know

You are good, but your English probably isn't perfect. You probably can't understand English-language TV, read books in English, talk to native speakers easily, write letters without mistakes, etc.

You should never think your English is perfect. Even if you are the best student in your class, always try to find your weak areas and work on them. When you've learned to speak English well, your problems will be quite small: punctuation, rarely used grammar structures, rare words, understanding "street language". Right now, your problems are probably more basic: mistakes in pronunciation, small vocabulary, grammar problems with the present perfect tense and conditional structures.

Use your English whenever you can

This is very, very important. The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it.

Because English is so popular, you can use it everywhere. You can use Google to find English-language websites with interesting information, you can watch American cartoons, you can play adventure games on your computer, you can read interesting books in English, or you can do other things that we write about.

If you do these things, you will not only have fun and learn English. If you see that a new English word lets you understand your favorite TV show (or communicate with people, or beat a computer game), you will want to learn more words. So you will learn English more, use it more, learn it more, use it more... If you also use effective learning methods, your English will grow faster than you can imagine.

Talk to people about English

This is a very simple method, but it is very effective. Here's how it works:

You usually talk about things which interest you. But the opposite is true, too. If you start talking about a boring subject, you will begin to get interested in it.

Imagine you are studying a subject that you hate. You are bored and tired, but you have to pass the test tomorrow. If there are people near you, you have two options: you can tell everybody how much you are suffering or you can tell those people about the things you've learned. If you choose the first option, you will only feel worse.

If you choose the second option, and start a conversation on the "boring" subject, you will begin to look at it in a totally different way. Suddenly it will become a subject worth talking about — therefore, an interesting subject.

How can you begin such a conversation? If you're studying English, you can surprise another person by talking to him/her in English. Say (in English): Hi, I'm studying English and I hate it. Or you can say (in your first language): Hey, I've learned 50 English words today. Do you know what's the English word for ...? If there are no people near you, you can telephone or send an e-mail message to your friend.

What will your friends say? Probably they won't be very interested, but it doesn't matter! The important thing is this: After talking about English, you will study it with much more passion. Try it.

Find a friend who is learning English

If you can find a friend who is learning English and is on a similar level of skill, you will be in an excellent situation:

* you will have someone to talk about English with. These conversations will increase your interest in English, as explained in the previous section.
* learning English will be easier, because you will be able to discuss your problems with your friend.
* you will study English more, because you will want to be better than your friend. :-)

You should meet your friend regularly. Ideally, he/she should live near you, or go to the same school as you. If you absolutely can't find anybody willing to learn English with you, you can try to find somebody by e-mail. This is a worse solution: your conversations will probably be less frequent, and it is difficult to compete with someone who you don't know well.

Spend some money on learning English

If you spend your money on something, you will want to use it. For example, if you buy an expensive tennis racket, you will probably go out and play tennis every day.

This rule is also true for learning English. If you want to increase your desire to learn English, buy a new dictionary, an interesting English-language book, English-language cable TV, etc. The idea is simple: You paid for it, so you will want to use it, and you will improve your English.

There is a problem with this method. It only works for a short time. You usually lose your desire to learn English after a few days. To keep learning, you would have to buy something every week!

However, this method is helpful, because it gives you an impulse to start learning. For example, if you buy a dictionary of phrasal verbs, you will probably learn some words from it. Then you should try to use them. For example, write an e-mail message with these words. This will increase your motivation (as explained before), and you will learn more.

Read Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins

Anthony Robbins' book Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement gives excellent advice on how to achieve any kind of goal. This book has changed the lives of many people, so you might want to take a look at it.
Remember that learning English requires action

We have said this many times. One small action is more powerful than reading hundreds of articles. Yes, we know it is very hard to do things, even if they are good for us. We humans are lazy creatures. That is why not many people speak English well.

Still, we hope you can do the things we talk about in our English learning method — not only read about them. You will be successful only if you change something about your life.


Improving Students’ English Ability through Loneliness

Some students have problems to develop their English ability because of less supported environment. They can not focus to the goal in crowded, much noisy, and too many ideas from others. For example, a student can not focus to his / her speaking practice while his / her friends are turning the music loudly. There are some options to solve those problems, one of them is loneliness. Practicing by own self may help us to improve their English ability. The purpose is to concentrate. In other words, students also need to be alone to get more concentration in order to improve their English abilities, such as reading skill, writing skill, listening skill, and, speaking skill.

No body wants to study in such inconvenience place and situation, there are many disadvantages of its. When they write some thing in English, for example, it will be hard for them to manage our ideas because there are also many ideas that should be considered from others. As the result, they might be stuck wasting their time to consider that ideas. Some time they need to be confident and believe in their own decision. They can learn how to make a good decision through loneliness.

Even if they can practice in crowded, it will not work to improve their skills. It is not easy to get concentration in crowded. People’s voices or any attractive events are possible to divert their attention. They may lose their concentration, can not practice well and they will get nothing. They need to take their self to a quiet place and situation; getting alone. When they practice their English skills by their self, they will get more concentration. Concentration is the key to be success to improve English ability. They do not have to be alone all day long, but an hour each day is enough for them. Practice orderly in a supported situation (loneliness) can help them gain their skills.

If they concentrate, the next advantage that they can get from loneliness is a clear mind. They are able to think clearly in a good concentration. The purpose is to make ideas appear faster and brighter, so that they can improve their ability. More concentration can they gain more ideas can they get. For example, ideas can appear when they think clearly and focus to their goal when they try to write something in English. Not in writing only, this theory also works in reading, speaking, and listening, because those things are related each other.

Some students are difficult to speak in front the public or class, they usually refuse when the teacher ask them to speak in English in front the class. It is because of they are ashamed and do not believe in their ability. They are worry about making mistakes because they never know their speech ability. To solve this problem, students should have practiced by their own selves. Practice to speaking by their own self can increase their self confidence, so that they will not be ashamed to speak in front the public or class. The aim of practice speaking alone is to make students common to speak in English.

Loneliness also gives us a chance to look back to our mistakes before. We can take a deep breath and try to remind whole things that make us slower in developing our English ability. After we make a list of those disturbing things, we should arrange a fully organized schedule to avoid them. When we accomplished our goal to avoid mistakes and figured out our problems, we can study, practice, and improve our skills soon.

All students want to have better English ability, they keep trying to solve their problems while studying and practicing. Loneliness is one of helpful methods, it can help student to get more concentration, think clearly, be more confidence, and introspect their mistake. It is very useful in order to improve English skills such as writing, reading, listening, and speaking ability. In other words, students also need to study and practice by their own selves to develop their English skills.



All non English speaking students in all over the world learn how to speak English well. The problem is; most of them do not know what their motivations exactly are. As the result, they get lost and gain their goal slowly, and even worst they got nothing. There are varieties causes of these problems. The less qualified teachers, lack of books and study materials, less supported environment, less self-confidence, and unsupported friends are probably cause this problem. However, students’ selves confidences is the most influential thing that need to be increased. The rest of this essay will describe you some good habits as suggested strategies which effective to improve motivation for English.
First, imagine you can talk to native speakers just as you talk in Indonesian. You know that all people around you, especially your schoolmates, wanted to have good English. Therefore, I expect you to talk to them in English like the way you talk in your first language. You also need to believe in your ability and realize that you have already well in English. You have already learnt English since you were in Elementary School that means you have already known English. All that you need to do is pushing your self to use it as often as possible. More you use English, more your skills improve. Besides increase yours, using English more often also helps to improve your schoolmate English too. In short, you should try to speak in English as often as possible.

The next strategy that you should do is talk to people about English. This is a very simple method, but it is very effective. Here is how it works: You usually talk about things that interest you. The opposite is true, too. If you start talking about a boring subject, you will begin to get interested in it. Imagine you are studying a subject that you hate. You are bored and tired, but you have to pass the test tomorrow. If there are people near you, you have two options: you can tell everybody how much you are suffering or you can tell those people about the things you have learned. If you choose the first option, you will only feel worse. If you choose the second option, and start a conversation on the "boring" subject, you will begin to look at it in a very different way. Suddenly it will become a subject worth talking about — therefore, an interesting subject. As the result, you will begin to like it and learn about it faster and faster.
The third one is try to find friends who also have hard willing to learn English. If you can find a friend who is learning English and is on a similar level of skill, you will be in an excellent situation: you will have someone to talk about English with. These conversations will increase your interest in English. Learning English will be easier, because you will be able to discuss your problems with your friend. You will study English more, because you will want to be better than your friend is. You should meet your friend regularly. Ideally, he/she should live near you, or go to the same school as you. If you absolutely cannot find anybody willing to learn English with you, you can try to find somebody by e-mail. This is a worse solution: your conversations will probably be less frequent, and it is difficult to compete with someone who you do not know well. However, making more friends can help you much to increase your willing to learn English.
Next, you need to spend some money for English. If you spend your money on something, you will want to use it. For example, if you buy an expensive football shoes, you will probably go out and play football every day. This rule is also true for learning English. If you want to increase your desire to learn English, buy a new dictionary, an interesting English-language book, English-language magazines, English-language novels, etc. The idea is simple: You paid for it, so you will want to use it, and you will improve your English. There is a problem with this method. It only works for a short time. You usually lose your desire to learn English after a few days. To keep learning, you would have to buy something every week. However, this method is helpful, because it gives you an impulse to start learning. For example, if you buy a dictionary of phrasal verbs, you will probably learn some words from it. Then you should try to use them. For example, write an e-mail message with these words. This will increase your motivation, and you will learn more.
The last important thing is you have to remember that learning English requires action. We have heard this many times. One small action is more powerful than reading hundreds of articles. We know it is very hard to do things, even if they are good for us. We humans are lazy creatures. That is why not many people speak English well. Still, we hope you can do the things above in your English learning method — not only read about them. You will be successful only if you change something about your life.


15 Web Tools to Enhance Language Learning

With the world becoming more culturally diverse everyday, it is becoming increasing important for everyone to learn a new language. Whether you are learning for your career, education, or just want to increase you knowledge of other languages, the Internet provides a wide variety of tools that can enhance your learning experience. Here is a list of 15 free language learning tools to explore today:

Popling – Popling is free online web software that is great for practicing language vocabulary without any real effort. This unique software works by having a window (flash card) pop up at certain intervals on your desktop. You can either click on the window to study the full flash card or ignore it and the window will disappear.

Radio Lingua Network – The Radio Linga Network offers free online podcasts that you can use to enhance listening comprehension and language learning skills for 20 different languages. The podcast episodes range from one-minute quick lessons to longer, five-minute lessons.

Livemocha – Livemocha is a free community language learning tool with online interactive lessons, user created courses, and language partners that are ready to practice with you. The language partners are a great way build your language confidence though conversations with live native speakers. You have the option of either using conversation exercises or submitting text and audio files to native speakers for corrections and edits.

Palabea – With this large international language learning community, you can interact with native speakers, find audio and visual learning aids, improve writing and grammar, and even find native speakers in your hometown. Through these tools, Palabea gives everyone the opportunity to learn or study their foreign speaking skills on an international web platform.

Freelang.net – Freelang.net offers free language dictionaries, translations, blogs, and forums to help you increase your language skills. These tools are an excellent way for you to improve your reading, writing, and speaking skills in the language you’re studying. This site also provides links to other translation software, learning tools, and more.

ForiegnWord.com – This site features four different tools that foreign language learners can use to translate text, find language links, and gain access to 265 online dictionaries. Just one of the tools featured on this site, Translate Now, provides access to 28 translators in over 38 different languages.

Lingro – Lingro is a free site with open content dictionaries that provide free online learning in 11 different languages. With this site, you can increase your language comprehension and understanding through online translations, word lists, games, a collaborative dictionary, and more.

Babbel – The Babbel site is a free online learning portal for Spanish, English, German, French, and Italian. Within this site, you will find multimedia learning methods and tools that are easy and fun to use. Babbel also offers a language exchange community with more than 400,000 registered users.

Transparent Language – Transparent Language provides language software that has helped millions of individuals worldwide with language learning. On this site you can find several free resources and tools, including language software, blogs, games, articles, and learning communities to enhance your language skills.

Open Culture – This free site provides podcasts for learning 37 different languages. The podcasts cover everything from Arabic to Yiddish and are perfect for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. You can listen to lessons instantly on your computer or download them in MP3 format for listening on the go.

SharedTalk – SharedTalk is an online language learning community that provides tools to practice and study a multitude of different languages. With this site, you can use language partners, voice chat, text chat, and email to enhance your language skills while helping other people to enhance theirs.

Lang-8 – This site encourages language learners to practice writing skills by writing in the language they are studying. Once your writing assignment is complete you can send it to a native speaker for editing and corrections. This site also works as an online exchange community–you will be asked to read and correct the writings of others who are studying your language.

Digital Dialects – Digital Dialects offers free interactive learning games for 58 different languages. The games provide practice with beginning phrases as well as vocabulary builders to help language learners increase their knowledge. The site is updated regularly with new material.

Translation2 – With four free online translators, Translation2 is a good site for increasing your understanding and comprehension in language learning. Translation tools include a text translator, dictionary, text to speech translator, and an IM translator. The text to speech translator is an excellent way to practice pronunciation and can be embedded in emails or web pages.

Karen Schweitzer is an education writer and Guest Blogger for PickTheBrain. She is the About.com Guide to Business School. She also writes for OnlineCollege.org, an accredited online college resource.


What computers can and can’t do

A computer is an electronic machine that stores and manipulates information (data). It does this by following specific instructions. These instructions are called programs or software. It can process and store large amounts of data very quickly. A computer seems to be able to do lots more than this. You may see pictures, text, or video and hear sound, but all the computer sees is numbers.
If you wanted to give the computer specific instructions to follow, you’d have to write a program for it to follow. These programs are written in one of many computer languages such as C++, Visual Basic or HTML. Someone who writes programs is called a programmer.

Computers require both hardware and software in order to work.
Hardware. Hardware is the physical parts of the computer like the monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and of course the computer itself called the system unit. Hardware is also the parts inside the system unit that you can’t see unless you open it up. Parts like the motherboard, RAM, and modem. Many hardware devices can be attached to a system unit to expand its capabilities, such as a speaker, scanner or printer.

Software. Software is the instructions given to the computer that tells it what to do. A computer cannot do anything without instructions. A computer must first read instructions before it can start to work. These instructions are called operating system software. When a computer is turned on, the first thing it does is find and read its system software. This software tells the computer how to work; how to be a computer. Once a computer has done this and is “booted up” or ready to go, it can read other instructions called application software. This type of software tells the computer how to do a specific task with a user, like writing a report, playing a game, or creating a graph.

A computer can do anything. However, you need to program it to do anything.

Computers can save a large amount of data, but there is must be a sufficient hard disk.
Computers can change the function of typewriter in writing a letter or a novel if there is Microsoft Word program.
Computers can help people in a presentation. Microsoft Powerpoint could make the presentation in an interesting visual form.
Computers can also entertain people with some interesting games for instance. There is also a program to play songs.

Unfortunately, computers can’ think as a person does
Computers will never be able to think. That is, really think. Not now or ever.
What the computer is doing is merely a superficial imitation of human intelligence. It has been designed to obey certain simple commands, and then it has been provided with programs composed of those commands. Because of this, the computer has to obey those commands, but without any idea of what's happening.


Serba-serbi tentang Alay

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Alay adalah singkatan dari Anak layangan, Alah lebay, Anak Layu, atau Anak keLayapan yang menghubungkannya dengan anak JARPUL (Jarang Pulang). Tapi yang paling santer adalah anak layangan. Dominannya, istilah ini untuk menggambarkan anak yg sok keren, secara fashion, karya (musik) maupun kelakuan secara umum. Konon asal usulnya, alay diartikan "anak kampung", karena anak kampung yang rata-rata berambut merah dan berkulit sawo gelap karena kebanyakan main layangan.

Koentjara Ningrat:
"Alay adalah gejala yang dialami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia, yang ingin diakui statusnya diantara teman-temannya. Gejala ini akan mengubah gaya tulisan, dan gaya berpakain, sekaligus meningkatkan kenarsisan, yang cukup mengganggu masyarakat dunia maya (baca: Pengguna internet sejati, kayak blogger dan kaskuser). Diharapkan Sifat ini segera hilang, jika tidak akan mengganggu masyarakat sekitar"

Selo Soemaridjan:
"Alay adalah perilaku remaja Indonesia, yang membuat dirinya merasa keren, cantik, hebat diantara yang lain. Hal ini bertentangan dengan sifat Rakyat Indonesia yang sopan, santun, dan ramah. Faktor yang menyebabkan bisa melalui media TV (sinetron), dan musisi dengan dandanan seperti itu."

1. Suka banget pake tulisan atau teks yang GedE keCiL-gEdEkeciL

2. Sok bergaya Emo atau Harajuku tapi pas ditanya asalmulanya, gak tau sama sekali

3. Kalo sms atau ngirim komentar memakai bahasa aneh seperti, "aQuWh, maNi3eZz.."

4. Pokoknya gaya rambut si cowok persis kayak Kangen band (buset dah...)

5. Terlihat memakai postman bag berjenis kulit tapi ga jelas merk dan beli di distro yang mana...

6. Kurus kerempeng, suka memegang rambut dan bermuka bokat

7. Beraninya kalo bikin ulah pasti barengan dan gak berani kalo sendirian

8. Sok kaya, sok imut, sok cantik, sok keren, sok gaul, sok techno padahal waktu ditanya kode HTML aja gak bisa

9. Untuk lagu barat, mereka tidak tahu lagu barat yang sedang nge-tren dan mereka(orang alay) hanya tahu lagu barat dari jaman eighty dan ninety doank (parah gak sih?)
Yang paling parah memang anak-anak alay suka melebih-lebihkan serta kangen-band adalah pemicu gaya anak alay jaman sekarang...sifat- sifat alay itu sangatlah norak dan ga elit banget.

Alay itu orang kampung yang kampungan dengan dandanan kampungan, ngerti maksud saya? Tidak semua orang kampung itu kampungan, contohnya si doel, walaupun namanya berkesan alay tapi karakternya tidak alay. Nah orang kampung yang kampungan itu biasa disebut alay.

Apakah bukan orang kampung bisa disebut alay? Kita ambil contoh Vino G Bastian, menurut gw dia bukan orang kampung, tapi rambutnya berkesan alay dan sering dijadikan role model oleh alay namun karena perilaku dan mukanya yang tidak kampungan maka vino tidak termasuk alay..jadi.. Jawabannya bisa jadi, bukan orang kampung termasuk alay, namun kasus seperti ini teramat sangat jarang terjadi, karena rata-rata alay itu anak kampung.

Lalu apa itu kampungan?
Perilaku yang tidak mencerminkan dirinya sebagai manusia yang benar, setidaknya berbuat benar. Contohnya: tawuran antar kampung atau antar sma, nongkrong di halte bareng geng alaynya sambil godain cewek, bergerombol di stasiun, di mall jelek, di pasar sambil ngerokok terus bicara dengan nada yang tidak bisa disebut tinggi tapi lebih tepat cempreng sambil ngata2in temen se gengnya dan tentu saja sebagian masih menggoda cewek yang lewat, kalo di bioskop suka nyari perhatian dengan suara cemprengnya komentar gak jelas ketawa berlebihan dll

Apakah anak emo itu alay?
Tidak emo bukan alay. Emo adalah definisi yang berbeda dengan alay, namun alay kerap menggunakan dandanan style ala emo yg secara otomatis menjatuhkan pamor dari emo itu sendiri.

Perbedaan emo dengan alay gaya seperti apa?
Well, celana skinny dengan baju agak ketat warna item, make sepatu converse, gaya rambut lurus dan panjang di depan namun cepak di belakang. Namun acapkali alay mencoba menerapkan gaya tersebut, rambut yang seolah dipaksa2in, celana abal, baju abal, sepatu apa lagi, ditambah dengan ikat pinggang metal yang khas sekali, bisa dicari di pasar2 contohnya klender atau poncol.

Oke gayanya minta digampar emang
kebanyakan alay adalah supporter sepakbola yang fanatik atau berlebihan, sesuai dengan definisi kampungan dari seorang alay, yaitu tidak sportif kalo kalah, terus rusuh barang2 dirusakin, baru2 ini di bandung telah terjadi perusakan oleh alay saat pertandingan persib vs persija di ISL.

Selera musik?
Tidak jauh2 juga dari band2 yang terkadang berbusana layaknya alay seperti radja atau republik (vokalisnya gaya alay parah), dan band2 yang berirama melayu yang easy listening dan tidak perlu menggunakan musikalitas yang tinggi, contoh : kangen band, matta. Kalo ada konser didaerah beberapa alay berpotensi menimbulkan kerusuhan seperti saat band nidji atau ungu sedang manggung,, padahal yang maen ungu, klo seringai gitu masih mending lagu2nya menaikkan adrenaline, lah ini ungu dengan lagu cinta2an dan kemarin baru kolaborasi ama rossa.

Karena mungkin efek sinetron atau apa saja yg mempengaruhi mental kita yg menjadi-jadi dan semakin
parah, mungkin ada diantara kita semua sifat2 dibawah ini:

1. selalu ngerasa paling tau tentang musik.

2. tongkrongannya di pinggir pinggir jalan (yang cewek godain cowok,yang cowok godain cewe yang lagi lewat)

3. kalo di mall selalu bawa headset buat dengerin lagu lewat handphone(suka pamer ga jelas & sok asik gitu deh). please deh, kan ada lagu2 yg d stel d mall
4. sok EMO tapi ditanya sejarahnya emo ga tau.
5. sok pengen 'gaul' mau ngikutin tren yang sekarang tapi LEBAY parah(cth: nge-mix baju ga kira kira ; baju ijo, celana kotak kotak, sepatu merah,kacamata biru! NORAK !)
6. dimana mana SELALU ada acara yg namanya 'putu putu narziz' (entah itu di sekolah, WC, mobil, kamar, stasiun, angkot,dll).
7. fotonya ga nahan smua! (dengan gaya di imut imutin,dideketin lampu biar 'terang bgt',foto
deket bgt dari wajah *biar jeleknya ga keliatan*,foto dari atas *biar kelihatan keren kali ya*,dll..pokoknya yang bisa bikin ENEG semua orang.kamera VGA aj sok sokan)

8. buat cewek tiap hari kerjaannya ngomongin ttg cowooooooooo mulu! (cth: eh tau ga si A tadi gini loh sama gue hahaha lucu bgt ya? *ga lucu!)
9. buat cowok..tiap hari kerjaannya cari musuh (ribut) mulu sama temen temen cowoknya yg lain *biar dianggep keren gitu*
10. di friendster.. bagi yang cewek di featurefriend nya majang cowok cowok ganteng semua *meski ga kenal,biar dianggep cantik & gaul* kalo yg cowok ya majang featurefriendnya cewek semua*walau ga kenal* biar dikata cowok ganteng. IH JIJAY!

11. T U L I S A N
> - iya : ia, iaa, ay, etc
> - kamu: kamuh, kammo, kamoh, kamuwh, kamyu, qamu, etc
> - aku : akyu,aq,akko,akkoh,aquwh,quh, etc
> - maaf: mu'uph,muphs,maav,etc
> - sorry: cowyie,cory,tory(?),etc
> - add : ett,etths,aad,edd,etc
> - for : vo,fur(zz),pols,etc
> - lagi : agi,agy, etc
> - makan: mums,mu'umhs,etc
> - lucu : lutchuw,uchul,luthu,etc
> - siapa: cppa,cp,ciuppu,siappva,etc
> - apa : uppu,apva,aps,etc
> - narsis: narciezt,narciest,etc
> - anak mana? : naq mnah?, etc
> - gw : w,wee, 9, 6, etc
> - dong : dunkz,dungs, etc
> - dan masih bnyak lagi!

12. suka ngirim bulbo ga jelas di fs :"akko onlenndh dcnniih" ato "ayokk perang cummendh cmma saiia" etc (paling parah lagi kalo ngirim bulbo dengan judul "BAJINGAN" tapi isinya kosong!) ih kampret bner deh tu orang orang alay.

13. kalo ada org yg cuman view profil kita , kita bilang gini : "hey cuman view nih?" ato "heey jgn cuman view doang,add dong! (kalo emang segitu pentingnya orang nge-ADD buat kita..kenapa kita ga nge-ADD dia waktu kita mau ngasih testi?)-__-

14. friendster dipenuhi glitter-glitter norak yang pastinya bisa ngerusak retina mata zz

15. kata /singkatan selalu diakhiri huruf z/s (cth : nama adalah talitra,dbuat jadi : talz. nama adalah niken,dibuat jadi qens..dsb!)

16. foto di friendster bisa nyampe 300 lebih padahal cuman foto DIRINYA SENDIRI

17. diam diam mengidolakan : kangen band,radja,ato bahkan GARNET BAND -_-

18. kalo udah nemu lawan jenis biasanya jadi lebay, ngerokok2, ngelawak jayus, bahkan terkadang dilanjutkan dengan poin nomer 2

19. tulisannya GedE-kEcIL norak

20. kemana-mana make boxer(biasanya gmbr ganja,biar di blg gaul),atasan sweater,ga lupa make topi gambar ganja jg biar d bilang petani ganja kali

21. naek motor pada blaga kebut2an ambil goyangin pantat biar dikira kayak pembalap. motorny gk pake spion,knalpot racing yg bkn kuping lo budek parah,gk lupa jg stiker '46' (biar diblg valentino rossi ya). biasanya dilakukan dengan efek menggoyang2kan bokong

22. klo jalan kaki psti rame-rame, trus tangannya ga bisa diem, suka metikin daon d pohon ato metik buah orang.

23. tiap malem minggu suka sok mabok di pinggir jalan, pdhl cma minum anggur kolesom.

24. rambutnya pirang matahari.dan kayaknya bau deh

25. kalo cowok biasanya pake baju ketat, terkadang tanpa lengan yang tujuannya entah pamer otot atau bulu ketek. celana tanggung kotak2 dan sepatu yg diinjek belakangnya tanpa kaos kaki.

26. kalo cewek biasanya pake baju yg sok2 kebuka warna ngejreng yang menarik perhatian(mau muntah), kadang pake sepatu plastik transparan.

27. jika anda perhatikan aksesoris mereka, memakai kalung rantai yg biasa d pake anjing, gelang yg astaga bnyknya kayak dukun gypsi, dan kadang ada juga yang pake rantai dompet penghubung kemaluan dengan bokong mereka yang tujuannya entah untuk apa.

Ciri-ciri Alay:
1. nulis kata disingkat, seperti "lagi apa?" gi pha?? atau bosen banget jadi "bsen bgd nh"
2. memakai simbol tambahan. "p@ k@bar L0e??" atau "~hha..~ y nh.. lg bosen~"
3. menggunakan huruf Z dibelakang kata. "mlz bgtz!" atau "gurunya malezin yh"
4. comment orang dengan minta balasan kaya "repp iah!" / "blz dum" / "reply dsini iiaaa"
5. layoutnya yang super rame bahkan berfotmat gif (gerak) dengan warna ngejrenk pinkk fontnya yang anehlah

1. aboutme panjaaaang banget dengan gambar dari myspace yang gajelas pake isi gr-gr an kaya "aq tuh.... cntik.... lucu.... punya cowo ganteng..." zzz dan sebagainyalah lo tau kan
2. penggantian kata! gue / gw / gua = w, lo / lu = lw / loe. dong = dumzz / dwunhh
3. foto serba diediiiiit abis apalagi yang editnya emo emo pake tulisan gothic gitu
4. mediabox dipenuhin dengan gambarrrrrr

1. mamerin kebisaan dishotout, misalnya "eh w kan menang track motor lohh.." atau "eh w les nyetir dong.." dan yang lebih oon nya "eh w makin oke dan top ya tiap hari" (halah)
2. rusuhin comment foto. misalnya cuma dicomment "cantik deh/ganteng deh" balesnya "emg gw gnteng gtuu... y krna trlahir dh ganteng kli ya?? hha. dan kyanya..........blabalabla"
3. nickname digabung sama nama org yang disuka dengan cara gajelas. misalnya (kalo namanya sama maaf ya) "delita saiianks si luthuu.." atau "delita cinta dya" gitulah ya aezzz...
4. bikin album yang isinya artis favorit mereka. contoh "kangen band khuzuz loh!!" apalagi albumnya pake dikunci, yah capedeh!!

1. barang abal yang dipamerin ketemen terus dia ngaku beli di singapore. amrik . dan sbgainya. "eh liat nih gue beli gelang dijerman gituloh asli kalo ga salah sih dirupiahin 500 ribu ya." padahal dia beli di itc aja!! yang 10 ribu 5 hahaha.
2. tulisan gede-kecil. "aLoW kLiAnZ hArUz ADd GwE YaH!!" atau dengan angggka "K4Ng3nZ dWEcChh" NNNNNZZZZZ
3. minta di add di shotout, "j9n lupa ett ghw"
4. gaya dengan bibir monyong, telunjuk nempel bibir, gaya tangan dengan oke dipinggir kepala dan foto dari atas
5.nge post bulbo cuma buat kasih tau dia lagi online & minta comment


Karakter seseorang dilihat dari rambutnya

1. Rambut botak atau sengaja dibuat botak
Menunjukan seorang pria yang sexy dan senang akan hal-hal yang praktis. Mereka umumnya dapat dipercaya karena mereka tidak berbelit-belit. Kalau terjadi pada seorang wanita berarti wanita tersebut dalam keadaan depresi atau ingin mendapatkan perhatian lebih dari orang-orang disekelilingnya.

2. Rambut sangat lurus
Menunjukan seorang yang memiliki pribadi yang bebas, selalu mengikuti keinginan sendiri, berkepribadian kuat, tidak suka kompromi, dan cendrung bangga pada diri sendiri. Dalam memilih pasangan biasanya mereka akan menjadi sangat pemilih dan lebih suka pasangannya tidak mengganggu kesenangan dirinya untuk menyenangkan diri sendiri.

3. Rambut halus tipis seperti bayi
Menunjukan orang yang produktif dalam menelurkan ide-ide yang kreatif. Namun jika mendapat tantangan yang agak sulit mereka akan cepat putus asa dan hidup dalam imajinasinya sendiri.

4. Rambut yang selalu rapi dan tertata dengan baik
Menunjukan orang yang efisien dan bertanggung jawab. Mereka adalah teman curhat yang baik karena penuh dengan pemikiran-pemikiran yang positif. Sayangnya mereka sedikit konservatif.

5. Rambut yang sisiran poninya jatuh ke depan
Menunjukan pribadi yang rasional. Tapi sayangnya mereka mudah terbawa arus dalam pergaulan sehingga harus hati-hati dalam memilih teman agar tidak terbawa ke jalan yang sesat.

6. Rambut yang sisirannya kebelakang.
Menunjukan pribadi yang keras kepala, royal terutama kepada keluarga, suka mengeluh jika keadaan tidak sesuai dengan keinginannya dan akan jadi provokator utama dalam segala hal yang tidak disenanginya.

7. Rambut yang tumbuh jarang diatas dahi
Menunjukan orang yang suka mementingkan kepentingan diri sendiri. Dan mereka mempunyai perhitungan yang matang tentang untung ruginya terhadap apa yang telah mereka lakukan.

8. Rambut halus dan tidak kaku
Menunjukan pribadi yang labil dan mudah terserang penyakit. Mereka cendrung kurang percaya diri. Biasanya mereka memiliki wajah yang rupawan atau setidaknya menarik untuk lawan jenisnya.

9. Rambut jarang dan tipis seperti rambut jagung
Menunjukan orang yang keras kepala, boros dan konsumtif. Mereka biasanya mengikuti perkembangan mode sehingga membuat mereka sangat modis. Bagi wanita yang memiliki rambut seperti ini biasanya terkenal dengan juteknya.

10. Rambut yang sangat kaku
Menunjukan pribadi yang berani, tegas, dan pantang menyerah. Tapi pemikiran mereka agak kolot.11. Rambut lebat dan subur

Menunjukan pribadi yang pandai dalam berkomunikasi dan banyak akal, tetapi mereka agak sukar ditebak pemikirannya. Dan pribadi mereka akan banyak dipengaruhi oleh didikan dari keluarga. Kalau didikannya jelek maka mereka adalah orang yang susah dipercaya begitu juga sebaliknya.

12. Rambut berwarna sangat hitam
Menunjukan pribadi yang pantang menyerah dan disukai orang. Biasanya mereka pandai merawat diri dan memiliki daya tarik yang sangat tinggi terhadap lawan jenis.Tetapi mereka cendrung susah dalam menilai seseorang.

13. Rambut yang berwarna hitam pudar
Menunjukan pribadi yang tulus tapi pikiran mereka gampang berubah. Mereka cepat mempercayai seseorang sehingga mereka sering disakiti oleh orang-orang yang memanfaatkan ketulusannya.

14. Rambut berwarna hitam berkilau
Menunjukan orang yang suka mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Mereka mimiliki wawasan yang luas. Dalam percintaan biasanya mereka cendrung terlalu posesif terhadap pasangannya, benar-benar terbalik dari wawasan yang mereka miliki.

15. Rambut berwarna hitam dan agak ikal
Menunjukan pribadi orang yang cerdas tetapi mudah terpengaruh. Mereka biasanya cendrung agak individualis.

16. Rambut hitam, pendek, dan keriting
Menunjukan orang yang suka mengedepankan kekerasan dalam penyelesaian masalah, emosi mereka sangat tidak stabil. Mereka memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk berhasil tetapi sering mereka gagal karena emosi mereka yang tidak stabil. Jadi bagi yang memiliki rambut seperti ini harus lebih hati-hati dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah agar dapat berhasil Dalam soal seks mereka jagonya.

17. Rambut hitam, panjang, tebal, dan sangat halus
Jika dia seorang pria maka dia adalah tipe pria yang lembut di luar tetapi tegas di dalam, berhati dingin, moderat, dan menghargai pergaulan. Jika dia seorang wanita kepribadiannya cendrung moderat, mengikuti nalar, tidak mengebu-gebu dalam hal cinta, dan dapat dipercaya.

18. Rambut coklat, panjang, dan halus
Jika dia adalah seorang pria maka umumnya mereka suka akan olahraga, keras kepala, pandangannya fleksibel,suka hal-hal yang unik dan suka bergaul dengan wanita. Jika dia seorang wanita maka mereka adalah tipe yang sangat menyayangi keluarga,lembut, penuh perasaan, dan sensitif.

19. Rambut pirang
Jika pria dia memiliki bakat dibidang tertentu, filosofis, religius, tetapi dalam hal kesehatan mereka agak lemah. Jika dia wanita hampir sama dengan si pria tambahannya adalah mereka sangat menghargai rambutnya, dan menganggap rambut benar-benar mahkota bagi dirinya.

20.Rambut yang sering di cat dengan warna berbeda-beda
Menunjukan pribadi yang bebas tidak suka dikekang,dinamis,menyukai hal-hal baru, petualang, dan cuek abiez. Jika ada salah satu dari warna rambut itu yang dipertahankan cukup lama maka itulah sifatnya yang paling dominan.

21. Rambut yang memiliki banyak kuncir atau aksesoris
Menunjukan pribadi yang rela menghabiskan waktunya untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu yang diinginkannya. Demi hal ini dia sering mengabaikan hal lainnya yang mungkin lebih penting.

22. Rambut di kepang atau diikat
Menunjukan pribadi yang terbuka dan disukai banyak orang.

Yang mana rambut anda ? Semua yang telah diuraikan diatas masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing dan artikel ini hanya bersifat ramalan , tergantung bagaimana anda menyikapi hasil dari tulisan ini dan semoga dapat menjadi pedoman bagi anda untuk mengoreksi diri sendiri agar dapat berbuat lebih baik dari yang sudah-sudah.